What do our Veterinary Nurses do?

What do our Veterinary Nurses do?

What do our Veterinary Nurses do?

RVN’s are highly skilled veterinary professionals who have undergone extensive training and examination to achieve their qualifications. All veterinary nurse training is conducted through colleges or universities that offer qualifications approved by the RCVS, and their linked veterinary training practices. The RCVS regularly inspects veterinary nurse education programmes to ensure that high standards are maintained. A list of RCVS approved qualifications in veterinary nursing and colleges that provide these is available to download from the RCVS website at www.rcvs.org.uk. 

The register of qualified veterinary nurses is held by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and a nurse must be admitted onto the register before they are able to work as a RVN. Veterinary nursing is the supportive care of animals receiving treatment within a veterinary practice. A veterinary nurse works as a member of the veterinary team, providing expert nursing care for sick animals. Veterinary nurses also play a significant role in educating owners on maintaining the health of their pets. RVN’s provide evidence-based nursing care for their patients and are employed in a diverse range of roles and responsibilities within the veterinary industry, with many choosing to specialise in specific areas. 

If you have a pet health question or require advice on pet care, our talented and highly skilled Registered Veterinary Nurses are available to assist you. This is a 24 hr service 365 days of the year and can be accessed via Phone or live chat. Our highly skilled and experienced nursing team, hold a wide range of post graduate qualifications in areas including, emergency and critical care, senior patient care, mobility, behaviour, bereavement, and nutrition.   

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